Friday, March 6, 2015

FOODFIC: Please Welcome Katrina Cope, Author of The Sanctum Series

When you have a group of street kids rescued from the streets, how do you fill their starving stomachs — with a bowl of slop and a slice of bread? Maybe if you were a soup kitchen on a very limited budget, but Avando, a rich grandfather figure, rescued these kids and bad food is not an option.

These kids are not in for a free ride. In between spying, building high-tech equipment and operating surrogate robots, they are expected to learn basic survival and chores. He has them taught to grow their own food at his eco-friendly boarding school camouflaged in the mountains. This produce is then cooked up by the students under the watchful eyes of Ms. Helen, the cook for this mysterious place. They are taught to make many different dishes, from basic hamburgers to home-styled meals that border on restaurant quality. Regularly they have a choice from dishes like lasagne and salad, bacon and cheese quiche, chicken a la king and wok-tossed vegetables, just to mention a few.

These delicious meals are surrounded by snacks at morning and afternoon tea consisting of a variety of home cooked muffins, biscuits/cookies and fluffy cakes of all different flavours and types and definitely do not forget the tea and coffee.

The borders at The Sanctum boarding school do a lot better than their spy counterparts at the government-run genius school, Ernest State College. Spare a thought for Liam’s injured friends. How about chowing on a nice set of cutlery? Yes, that’s right, cutlery. I’m serious. Liam was going to serve his sick friends a nice platter of shiny silver cutlery. I know this is hard to believe, but the genius was so distracted he didn’t realize that he hadn’t served up any food. It was a good thing his sister Gemma was on the ball and took over to make sure his friends were well cared for. He is not completely useless, though. At least when they were well, he managed to select for them a variety of muffins, cookies and apple juice.
These are the foods partaken of in Eric & the Black Axes.

Which school would I recommend you visit for a meal? Well, it would definitely be The Sanctum. However, don’t turn your back on your food if Robert is around. It’s never safe, even if he has already eaten or if it has been dropped on the floor. In fact, in book three of The Sanctum Series, Taylor’s Plight, not even the grubs and trees were safe when he was in the bush hiding for a few hours away from real meals!

Thanks for stopping by to share your food for thought, Katrina!

You can find Katrina here:

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