19-year-old Anastasia Roda is focusing on environmental
studies and marine biology at Harvard and is keeping the option of a law degree
open. But impressive as that is, her toastworthiness predates her acceptance to
the prestigious university.
When she was only 15, Anastasia began to worry about the
proximity of the nation’s oldest nuclear power plant (Oyster Creek Generating
Station) to the bay where she spent her summers. To determine whether or not
her concern had merit, she began studying the ecosystems of the creeks near the
Proving that the creeks closest to the power plant had higher
temperatures, faster currents, and created higher bacteria levels downstream (than
a control creek 7 miles away) led to several awards for Anastasia, including
the American Museum of Natural History’s Young Naturalist Award.
If you are (or know) another such talented teen researcher,
enter next year’s contest here:
Do you know a toast-worthy teen you’d like to see featured here at BWATE?
Comment below with your email address so we can get a post together!
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