Friday, December 4, 2015

FOODFIC: Please Welcome Jessica Haight & Stephanie Robinson, Authors of The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow

Well, HELLO Readers! I'm Mr. Morrow, and I'm here to reveal a few of my fun secrets. Now, my family is embarking on a great adventure, moving from Manhattan to an old Victorian in Connecticut known as The Begonia House. Our intention is to have the most enchanting bed-and-breakfast imaginable.

We think we've found the perfect location. My wife, Pru, is amazing with her interior design skills, but my wizardry in the kitchen will prove most useful. My daughter Fairday's interest has been piqued by the move, as we've heard that the house has a bit of mystery surrounding it. At first Fairday was apprehensive, but, now that we're here, she's been traipsing all over the house and grounds with her friends in the Detective Mystery Squad, and the only way I can get her back is to tantalize her taste buds.

Blueberry pancakes does the trick every time. It's her favorite dish, and she assures me it will be a smash hit when we open up the The Begonia House Bed-and-Breakfast. The key to extraordinary blueberry pancakes is to make them with love and be sure to speak with a French accent - this is very important.

Here's an example:

Dad: "What would you like for breakfast, mademoiselle?"
Daughter: "I'll have blueberry pancakes."
Dad: "Oui, oui!" (You must incorporate body language; I like to dance and put a little spin on the spatula when I flip the pancakes.)

Another detail essential to pancake delectability is to wear a funny apron. Mine asks potential diners if I've "GOT FOOD?" and yes, I do, so you can see how this comes in handy.

The last thing to remember is to make your pancakes with love, not just for the food, but for those you're cooking for. Food is an art, and, as one of my daughter's favorite authors, Neil Gaiman, says, "Whatever you do, make good art."

Bon apetit!

Thanks for stopping by to share your food for thought, Jessica and Stephanie!

You can find the authors here:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I enjoyed revealing my secrets on how to prepare perfect blueberry pancakes. It's all about the love (and lots of maple syrup, of course). Enjoy! ~ Mr. Morrow.
